Wholistic Life Coaching


As rehabilitative therapists we have had almost 30 years of significant experience in treating and educating people with various orthopedic and neurological impairments with underlying lifestyle diseases like arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, diabetes, skin issues and many other chronic issues. We have learned that if we focused on the basic foundational principles that our bodies work to maintain balance, that people’s health greatly improves and are able to fight off or manage their health better.

Did you also know that “Stress is basic cause of 60% of all human illnesses?” The American Medical Association said this in 2017. How high do you think it is now during and after this year’s Corona Virus Pandemic? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-stress-affects-the-body_b_2422522

Peak Well has a 10-week program guiding through the top 10 fundamental principles for well being that will change your life for the better.

After the consultation and an in-depth assessment we will walk you through the 10 fundamental principles of well-being and incorporate them into your life.

One hour session weekly for 10-weeks via Zoom or face-to-face. The price varies based upon individual needs and packages so take the free consultation so we can customize your program to help you PeakWell!

You will learn how to:

  • Improve sleep patterns

  • Create good habits

  • Improve brain health with food

  • Decrease stress

  • Healthy ways to manage anxiety and depression

  • How to cook well

  • What exercise fits you best

  • How to improve your relationships

  • and so much more!

It’s about reinventing yourself with new goals, new habits, a happier and healthier you!

PeakWell offers you a free consultation to get to know you and what your needs are and to help you get started with our program.